Sunday, November 30, 2008

I feel as if Atonement should not have even been included in the reading of this semesters class. I feel like we should have spread watchmen out over time. There were so many little things in watchmen that we missed from speeding through it. I also think we should have had more positive readings throughout the class. I feel everything we read was leaned more toward the negative side of things.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


When the writer wrote about losing his comic book "virginity" when he read The Watchmen, I felt the exact same way. I've read comics before in the news paper, read a few random short comics that people have said were good reads, but never a complete graphic novel.

Watchmen was interesting, yet frustrating at the same time. If you didn't pay close attention, if you dozed off into "never never land", or if you didn't notice that one little detail in the scene, then you missed that crucial detail that clues you into whats about to happen.

Throughout this reading though, I agree with the writer when he says you anxiously wait what's going to happen next. When you put the book down, you can't wait to pick it back up the next day.

Overall I think this guy was an over dramatic person writing a review of a very good comic book.